Friday, November 13, 2009

Tips To Stay Fit During Extreme Weather Seasons

1. Schedule your exercise as if it were an important meeting or appointment. Identify available time slots each week for physical activity. If you plan on exercising four times a week, schedule in at least five "exercise appointments." If circumstances prevent exercise one day, you've got a back-up exercise day just in case.

2. If you live where it is cold during the winter, embrace the snowy days and plan activities that you just can't do in other parts of the country! Exercise doesn't have to be limited to a gym. Shoveling your walk way (or helping a neighbor shovel theirs) can be a great form of exercise. (If you are over age 40 and/or have heart problems, consult your physician before attempting to shovel snow.) Just get out and play! Go snow-shoeing. Go sledding. Inquire about public skating hours at a nearby ice rink. Buy an inexpensive pair of ice skates from a local sporting goods store, or a used pair from a thrift store.

3. Spend as much time outdoors as possible. Check the weather reports first, but during the warmer winter days (40°F and above) and the cooler summer days (below 90°F), plan to take long walks outdoors while the weather is mild. Walk to work, park your car farther away, or get off the bus a few stops early and enjoy a brisk walk before and after work to increase your daily steps.

4. Hit the mall for exercise. You won't have to spend a dime! Most malls open early (before the stores open) and allow "mall-walkers" to do laps around the length of the mall in the comfort of the indoors.

5. Discover the free or low-cost fitness centers located near your home or workplace. Ask about year round or month-to-month membership that would allow you to have a place to exercise during the extreme weather months. Many fitness centers offer group discounts. So gather a group of friends, family members, or co-workers and join together! There may be a YMCA near you.

6. Make an exercise "date." Find a friend, family member or co-worker and make plans to go to the gym, an exercise class or participate in a sport on a weekly basis. Sharing an exercise routine with a partner will help keep both of you motivated - and have fun together!

7. Try something new. Sign up for a yoga or Pilates class. Try a kick-boxing or a martial arts class. Buy or rent a fitness video. Go bowling, country line dancing, or learn to dance. Salsa, hip hop, ballroom, even belly dancing classes are a great way to burn calories and have fun at the same time.

8. Be creative during bad weather. If you watch television for an hour each day, try to get up and do sit-ups, jumping jacks or jump rope during each commercial break. This could add up to almost 20 minutes of exercise! For an even better workout, try marching or dancing in place for an entire 30 minute program!

9. Sneak a little exercise into your daily routine. Make chores your chance to be active. Put some music on while you're doing housework and keep up with the beat. Do a lap around the perimeter of the grocery store before starting your shopping. Always take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Park as far away from the entrance as (safely) possible. Get up and walk to a co-worker's desk instead of calling or emailing. Move every chance you get!

10. When exercising or playing outdoors, remember these hints: Dress in layers, wear sunglasses or a visor to shield eyes from sun, and wear sunscreen to prevent sun damage. In warm climates, stop in shade to take breaks as needed, and always carry water to drink before, during and after exercise. When it's cold, protect your hands with gloves or mittens. Wear a hat or a cap because most body heat is lost through your neck and head. Warm up slowly and drink plenty of fluids. You can get dehydrated in the winter, too.

The only way to stay physically fit all year round is to make exercise a priority. Think creatively and make a plan to stay active all year long. Remember that there are 1,440 minutes in a day, so do your best to devote at least 30 of them to exercise.

1 comment:

  1. These are some really good ideas. Some I've thought of before and some I haven't. Great!!!
